Breaking Boundaries

LGBTQ2 Writers on Coming Out and Into Canada

An anthology of stories and poetry by LGBTQ2 writers who have immigrated to Canada or who were born in Canada.


Lori Shwydky

Lori is a writer, editor, and founder of Rebel Mountain Press, a small, independently owned Canadian book publisher of anthologies and young adult fiction.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
A message from the editor about the text.
3 $0.30
Foreword by Robin Stevenson, award winning author, of Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community
2 $0.20
The account two women who left emigrated from African countries to Canada due to the persecution they faced as LGBTQ people.
5 $0.50
Humourous poem about being LGBTQ in Alberta poking fun at the Albertan conservative government.
2 $0.20
Fictional story following the tumultuous life of a lesbian that ends in a happy ending with a wife and a child.
13 $1.30
LGBTQ poem about adolescence.
2 $0.20
Memoire about being Two-Spirited and background of the Indigenous Two-Spirited people.
5 $0.50
Memoire of being a lesbian in eastern Canada in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
10 $1.00
LGBTQ poem about desiring someone.
1 $0.10
Poem about the challenges of being Transgender.
3 $0.30
Story of a young boy in a girls body and how they transition as a teen.
5 $0.50
Powerful poem about being bisexual.
2 $0.20
A teacher’s memoire on the challenges and the prejudices that LBGTQ people encounter in a religious community.
9 $0.90
Poem about coming out on your own terms.
2 $0.20
Personal essay about a teen who finds self-acceptance through online role-playing games.
7 $0.70
Lesbian memoir in written in two points of view.
10 $1.00
Memoire of a gay immigrant from Japan. A song is woven throughout the work.
6 $0.60
Memoire of an American lesbian who immigrated to Canada.
7 $0.70
LGBTQ poem about fighting for love.
1 $0.10
LGBTQ poem about lust.
1 $0.10
Humourous story about being a lesbian in the Chinese-Canadian culture.
7 $0.70
Memoire of a bisexual who is proud of her sexuality.
9 $0.90
Positive poem about being open to possibilities.
2 $0.20
Story on being a LGBTQ parent and being caught between two worlds- heterosexual and LGBTQ.
4 $0.40
Poem about a LGBTQ person struggling with their spirituality.
2 $0.20
The account of 2 gay men who were forced to flee Indonesia due to anti-LGBTQ attacks by police and their expience of moving to Canada.
8 $0.80
Brief Author bios.
10 $1.00
Brief Artist bios.
2 $0.20