Privacy Policy
Canadian Coursepacks is committed to maintaining the confidence and trust of its customers. Following is the privacy policy that is maintained by Canadian Coursepacks to protect personal information which is provided to the company by its customers.
Basic Confidentiality Policy
Personal information such as contact names, postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers are private and confidential. This information is stored in a secure location, is accessible only by designated staff of Canadian Coursepacks and its affiliated companies and is used only for the following purposes:
- Invoicing;
- Customer support services;
- Providing promotional and educational information relating to the products and services of Canadian Coursepacks and its affiliated companies
This information can be added, corrected or removed at any time by e-mailing Canadian Coursepacks. Credit card information is not stored on our website.
No Release of Information to Third Parties
Personal information will be released to third parties only if the release is required by law or if a third party has entered into a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with Canadian Coursepacks. There are no other circumstances under which Canadian Coursepacks will provide personal information to third parties.
Personal information about you or your order is never sold, traded, or given to anyone.