

Conceived in the same world as their acclaimed debut, Bones, Tyler Pennock’s Blood centres around a protagonist who at first has difficulty knowing the difference between connection and pain, and we move with them as they explore what it means to want. Pennock weaves longing, intimacy, and Anishinaabe relationalities to recentre and rethink their speaker’s relationship to the living — never forgetting non-human kin.

This book is a look at how deep history is represented in the everyday; it also tries to answer how one person can challenge the impacts of that history. It is a reminder that Indigenous people carry the impacts of colonial history and wrestle with them constantly. Blood explores the relationships between spring and winter, ice and water, static things and things beginning to move, and what emerges in the thaw.


Tyler Pennock

Tyler Pennock, author of Bones (2020), is a Two-Spirit Queerdo from Faust, Alberta, and is a member of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. They were adopted from a Cree and Métis family, and reunited with them in 2006. Tyler is a graduate of Guelph University’s Creative Writing MFA program (2013), as well as the University of Toronto (2009). They have lived in Toronto for the past 25 years.
Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
Giwachiyenaanig Gimishoomisinaanag, Before dawn, Morning sounds, I lied, Imagine me searching, This is gonna hurt, After we met, I had the same dream every night for months, If you experience …
25 $2.50
There’s an impatience in us, You’ve left just a scratch, Bones are the hardest part of us, So many men, Once, the john slipped inside me, You’re thinking about it, I enjoyed the …
26 $2.60
Your fingers slide, I believe trees, I don’t care, Brick walls, No one should, After sex, I used to hit leaves in the yard, Intimacy now, I can’t help but think that the couch, I …
27 $2.70
Maybe it’s not consistency, I showed these pages to the photographer, I want our languages back, Honestly, Time, I don’t know if hyperventilating in a room alone means I miss you or …
25 $2.50
This morning the photographer asked me to stop writing poetry as if you might read it., Every night it’s a different face, I know someday, And I don’t know how to feel, My …
16 $1.60