

Publication Year



From: Blood


Giwachiyenaanig Gimishoomisinaanag, Before dawn, Morning sounds, I lied, Imagine me searching, This is gonna hurt, After we met, I had the same dream every night for months, If you experience enough pain and fear, I have so many writing books, Should I survive, Today a man tried touching me, What is it about us, We, Cities are alive, Students, There’s an, expression I’d heard, Earth can bend



Tyler Pennock

Tyler Pennock, author of Bones (2020), is a Two-Spirit Queerdo from Faust, Alberta, and is a member of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. They were adopted from a Cree and Métis family, and reunited with them in 2006. Tyler is a graduate of Guelph University’s Creative Writing MFA program (2013), as well as the University of Toronto (2009). They have lived in Toronto for the past 25 years.