

Publication Year

ISBN: 9780889843332-04


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From: The Essential Margaret Avison


Poems From: Concrete and Wild Carrot (2002), Always Now: The Collected Poems (2005), Momentary Dark (2006), Listening: Last Poems (2009)



Margaret Avison

One of Canada's most respected poets, Margaret Avison was born in Ontario in 1918. In career that began in the 1940's, she produced eight books of poems, the last published posthumously. Her published poetry up to 2002 was gathered in the three-volume collection, Always Now. Avison was the recipient of many awards, including the order of Canada, The Griffin Prize for poetry, and three honorary doctorates. She died in 2007. Robyn Sarah, editor of this volume as well as of The Essential George Johnston and the The Essential Don Coles, is the author of several poetry collections, most recently Pause for Breath (2009), and a book essays on poetry, Little Eurekas. She corresponded with Margaret Avison for the last three years of the poet's life.