Stars Upon Thars

The Sneetches and Other CanLit Stories

From: Refuse


Tanis MacDonald discusses what class and CanLit have to do with each other.



Tanis MacDonald

TANIS MacDONALD’s memoir in essays, Out of Line: Daring to be an Artist Outside the Big City, was published by Wolsak and Wynn in spring 2018. She is a co-editor (with Ariel Gordon and Rosanna Deerchild) of GUSH: menstrual manifestos for our times (Frontenac House, 2018), and was a finalist for the Gabrielle Roy Prize for The Daughter’s Way (WLUP, 2012). Her creative non-fiction and poetry have appeared in Prairie Fire, Studies in Canadian Literature, Tessera, New Quarterly, and Lemon Hound, and she is the author of three books of poetry, with the next forthcoming with Book*hug in 2019. Tanis is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.