

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781773053189-08


How a Poem Tries to Get into It – How a Poem Chattily Wonders about Life’s Purpose – How a Poem Transforms a Stroll into a Ceremony – How a Poem Imperfectly Reconciles Complexity – How a Poem Haunts


Rowan Ricardo Phillips, "Little Song" – Ulrikka S. Gernes, "On H.C. Andersen Boulevard During Rush Hour" – Joy Harjo, "Walk" – Liz Howard, "A Wake" – Norman Dubie, "Lines for Little Mila"


Adam Sol

Adam Sol is an award-winning poet, writer, and teacher. He has published four collections of poetry, including Crowd of Sounds, which won Ontario’s Trillium Book Award. He lives in Toronto, Ontario, with his wife, Rabbi Yael Splansky, and their three sons.