

Publication Year



From: Orion Sweeping


Orion sweeping – Clearing windthrow from the trail – Wash day – Laser correction of posterior capsular opacification subsequent to cataract implant surgery – Fall risk – Nursing home – Appointment at the cancer clinic – Social inventory, midcentury – Rue Sainte-Catherine, December – Foshan market, October 13, 2011 – Sinus arrhythmia, pediatric – Afterbirth



Anne Marie Todkill

Anne Marie Todkill has lived mainly in her home town, Ottawa, but has been setting down new roots in Wollaston Township, Ontario, where she lives off-grid with her husband. She spent many years as a medical and academic editor, but never strayed far from her lifelong, intersecting preoccupations with writing and the natural world. She has won Arc Poetry Magazine’s Poem of the Year contest, was a recipient of Arc’s Diana Brebner Prize, and placed first – twice – in The New Quarterly’s Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest. She is also a past winner of The Malahat Review’s Creative Nonfiction Prize, and her winning entry in Malahat’s Novella Contest was subsequently anthologized in Best Canadian Stories. Orion Sweeping is her first book.