

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771665032-06



Stettheimer's Baroque Modernism

From: Florine Stettheimer


This essay considers the idea of temporal flux in the work of Florine Stettheimer, and links it to the semiotic compression at the heart of the artist’s multimodal work.



Patricia Allmer

Patricia Allmer is a Senior Lecturer in art history at the University of Edinburgh who specializes in surrealism. She curated the exhibition 4 Saints in 3 acts: A Snapshot of the American Avant-Garde (2017; Manchester UP). Her monographs include Lee Miller: Photography, Surrealism, and Beyond (MUP, 2016), René Magritte: Beyond Painting (MUP, 2009), and a biography, René Magritte (Reaktion Press, Critical Lives Series, 2019). A prolific editor of volumes and curator of exhibitions dedicated to surrealism, she won a 2010 Philip Leverhulme Prize in art history.