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From: The Unpublished City
The Unpublished City was conceived to show the (Multipli)City of writers that call Toronto home; that the City of Toronto might hear the wonderful voices of the City’s own true imaginaries. The idea here is to read ‘unpublished’ not simply as not in print, but as the narratives, and imaginations of the City that are present, and not yet fully realized, nor
acknowledged. In these stories and poems we apprehend what lies on the surface of the City’s glass walls, in the depths of its rapidly and perennially urbanized landscape, and in its bristling and multilingual streets.
Fathima Cader
Fathima Cader is a Toronto-based writer and litigator. Her essays, creative non-fiction, and poetry have been published in The New Inquiry, Hazlitt, Apogee, The Funambulist,