

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771665032-11


Miss Flutterby

Florine Stettheimer's Dispassionate Flâneuse and Subversive Urban Consumer

From: Florine Stettheimer


This chapter explores Stettheimer’s collaboration with composer Virgil Thomson, and poet and playwright Gertrude Stein, in producing America’s most famous avant-garde opera, Four Saints in Three Acts, which premiered in 1934.



Jason Wang

Jason Wang is a PhD student in the Communication and Culture program at York University whose doctoral dissertation research pivots around the intersections of cultural production and consumption, politics of aesthetics, and urban space and place. He is the author of “Between (Hi)story and Space: Wayson Choy’s Postmodern Chinatown,” which appeared in Confluences 2: Essays on the New Canadian Literature (2017). He is a member of the Executive Team at the Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre at Ryerson University.