

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771667142-04

Categories: , ,


English Baby


From: Tongues


Languages: English and French. On feeling stuck between French and English; on English and French tensions in Quebec.



Melissa Bull

MELISSA BULL is a writer and translator based in Montreal. She is the editor of Maisonneuve’s “Writing from Quebec” column and the author of a collection of poetry, Rue (2015), and a collection of short stories, The Knockoff Eclipse (2018). Her fiction, non-fiction, interviews, translations, and poetry have also appeared in Event, Nouveau Projet, Joyland, NewPoetry, subTerrain, Lemon Hound, Urbania,the Puritan, and Prism International. Melissa is the translator of Nelly Arcan’s collection Burqa of Skin (2014), Pascale Rafie’s play The Baklawa Recipe (2018), and Marie-Sissi Labrèche’s novel Border-line (2020). She has an MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia.