

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781552453742-05

Categories: ,

Craft Dinner

From: Nights on Prose Mountain


Early April, Gorg, Me and Mona, Ketchs, Cautious Diary, A Marriage, Lipstick on my Watchband, Twins – a history, Three Western Tales, 1967-1976: The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid, The Long Weekend of Louis Riel, Two Heroes



bp Nichol

bpNichol (Barrie Phillip Nichol) was born in Vancouver, BC, in 1944. In 1963, he received a teaching certificate from the University of British Columbia and briefly taught elementary school. He also worked for the University of Toronto Libraries, was a therapist and administrator for a therapy foundation, and, in the 1980s, wrote for the children’s television show Fraggle Rock, created by Jim Henson. bpNichol died in 1988.