

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771665032-08


Shifting Sister Squares

Florine Stettheimer's Portraits of Marcel Duchamp

From: Florine Stettheimer


This essay delves into the medium of avant-garde game and play to explore Florine’s portraits of Duchamp, which were fuelled by both desire and irony.



Aaron Tucker

Aaron Tucker is the author of the novel Y: Oppenheimer, Horseman of Los Alamos (Coach House Books) as well as two books of poetry, Irresponsible Mediums: The Chess Games of Marcel Duchamp (BookThug) and punchlines (Mansfield Press), and two scholarly cinema studies monographs, Virtual Weaponry: The Militarized Internet in Hollywood War Films and Interfacing with the Internet in Popular Cinema (both published by Palgrave Macmillan). He is a lecturer in the English Department at Ryerson University, and a PhD student in the Cinema and Media Studies Department at York University.