

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771665032-03


Curating Florine Stettheimer

Reflections on and Exhibition

From: Florine Stettheimer


In this essay, Uhlyarik considers the painter’s unique mode of communication with her audience, as Stettheimer creates a world for herself in her paintings in which viewers are unbidden guests.



Georgiana Uhlyarik

Georgiana Uhlyarik is Fredrik S. Eaton Curator, Canadian Art in the Canadian and Indigenous Art Department at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Uhlyarik is the co-curator of Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry, organized by the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Jewish Museum, New York (2017). Other recent curatorial projects and publications include Georgia O’Keeffe (2017) and Picturing the Americas: Landscape Painting from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic (2016). Uhlyarik, whose expertise includes female artists of the Americas, teaches Canadian Art.