

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781771315364-01


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The Big Heart


From: I am the Big Heart


Epiphany – Attenborough – Walk to School – The Chauffeur – The Midwife Advises Me – This Strange Thing Happened the Day You Were Born – The Difficult Ones – Origami – Fox’s Sleep – Murmuration Digression – On the Resourcefulness of Others – All Hands on Deck



Sarah Venart

Sarah Venarts’s poetry has been published in Numero Cinq, Concrete and River, The New Quarterly, The Malahat Review, The Fiddlehead, This Magazine, Prism International, and on CBC Radio. She is the author of Woodshedding (Brick Books, 2007) and Neither Apple Nor Pear. Sarah lives in Montreal and teaches writing at John Abbott College.