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Rotinenhrahserí:ne Ya’tekanakerahserá:ke
From: Tsi Niió:re Tenkarakhwaráhseke’
Ne Watoken’tsherahstsihkó:wa – Ne Iakoterihón:ni Iakoterien’tatshénrion – Onkwehón:we Ó:nen – Tsienté:ri Tsi Nihsonkwe’taié:ri – Rowennisákhe – Iáh Tekakónhsonte – Teiontkarateweientáhkwa – Né:e Tsiakionnhe’ón:we – Klee Wyck Iakón:kwe – Koráhne Rotirihwisa’á:nonh 150 – Né:e Nahó:ten Rotihiatonhseranatónnion – Tsi Iothorhkó:wa – Ieià:tare ne E. Pauline Kahwihstá:ke’ Tenhatirihstó:roke’ – Louise Bernice – Kowá:nen, Ka’sátste, Kahnirà:tonh táhnon Kahnényes – Thiiotenawéntonh Onkwehón:we Ní:ioht Iakoteweienhstákwenh Ierihwaienté:ri – 2017hnéha Onkwehón:we
Janet Rogers
Janet Rogers is an award-winning Mohawk and Tuscarora poet from Six Nations of the Grand River. She is also a radio broadcaster, documentary producer and media artist. Her works have been nominated for Best Spoken Word Recording at the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards, the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards and the Native American Music Awards. Her extensive experience in radio includes hosting the programs Native Waves Radio on CFUV and Tribal Clefs on CBC Radio One. She has also produced the radio documentaries Bring Your Drum: 50 Years of Indigenous Protest Music and Resonating Reconciliation, which received awards for Best Radio at the imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival. In addition to this work, she was the City of Victoria Poet Laureate from 2012 to 2014. As Long as the Sun Shines is her sixth poetry book.