

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781552451878-01


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From: The Alphabet Game


Poem: Prologue: The Complete Works




bpNichol (Barrie Phillip Nichol) was born in Vancouver, BC, in 1944. In 1963, he received a teaching certificate from the University of British Columbia and briefly taught elementary school. He also worked for the University of Toronto Libraries, was a therapist and administrator for a therapy foundation, and, in the 1980s, wrote for the children’s television show Fraggle Rock, created by Jim Henson. bpNichol died in 1988.; Lori Emerson is an associate professor in the Department of English and the Inter-media Arts, Writing, and Performance Program and founding director of the Media Archaeology Lab. She writes about media poetics as well as the history of computing, media archaeology, media theory, and digital humanities. Her current book projects include Other Networks, a history of telecommunications networks that existed before or outside of the Internet, and THE LAB BOOK: Situated Practices in Media Studies, co-written with Jussi Parikka and Darren Wershler.; Darren Wershler-Henry, (b. 1966) is a Canadian experimental poet, non-fiction writer and cultural critic.