

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781989287439-03


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Part C: Ruck


From: Democratically Applied Machine


Son to Father – Bone – Half Moon – Rec Room – Perimeter – Depression – Good, Better – Father to Son – Waking – The Party – Seasonal Affective Disorder – Where We Take It – When It Was Time To Leave – Please Write Soon



Robert Colman

Robert Colman is a Newmarket, Ont.-based writer and editor. He has been involved in trade publications for the manufacturing industry for more than ten years. Colman is the author of two other full-length collections of poetry, Little Empires (Quattro Books 2012) and The Delicate Line (Exile Editions 2008), and the chapbook Factory (Frog Hollow Press 2015). He received his MFA from UBC in 2016.