

Publication Year

ISBN: 9781990293184-01


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From: Dream of Me as Water


Blue Passion – Autobiography as a Thunderstorm – Dream – There Are Thousands of Tardigrades on the Moon. Now What? – What He Saw – Love – Hello, Worry – I Want to Believe in Essential Oils – Godzilla (2014) – Lucifer Flowers – To Each Their Own (Arm of a Giant Pacific Octopus) – Follow – Waking Alone in Another Dream – Future Excavation



David Ly

David Ly is the author of Mythical Man, which was shortlisted for the 2021 ReLit Poetry Award. He is also co-editor (with Daniel Zomparelli) of Queer Little Nightmares: An Anthology of Monstrous Fiction and Poetry (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2022). David’s poems have appeared in publications such as Arc Poetry Magazine, Best Canadian Poetry, PRISM International, and The Puritan, where he won the inaugural Austin Clarke Prize in Literary Excellence. Dream of Me as Water is his sophomore poetry collection.