

Publication Year

Dividing the Wayside

The liminal strip that divides the highway from the surrounding land is called a wayside. Often thick with wildflowers and insects, it’s a natural space that coexists with traffic and exhaust.

In Dividing the Wayside, Haysom likewise navigates the territory in between. Her voice is passionate and charming, her language precise and musical.


Jenny Haysom

Jenny Haysom was born in England and raised in Nova Scotia. She completed her Master’s degree in English Literature at the University of Ottawa and has since worked for independent booksellers and the Ottawa Public Library. Her writing has been widely published and she is Arc Poetry Magazine’s former prose editor.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
A Lesson – The Mite – First Death in Nova Scotia – A Chain Reaction – Our first apartment – Arrhythmia – Burning the Book (with my poems in it) – Memento …
20 $2.00
Wherever I May Find Her: – House Tour – Artefacts – Herbarium – Dashes – Under Influence – Dear Master, – Last Respects – One Emily – Toward …
14 $1.40
The New Colonialism – Reporting – Spin-off – Scrapyard – Lesser – Sticks – Stones – Waking in Larkin’s Aubade – Invitation to Elizabeth …
40 $4.00