#CanLit at the Crossroads

Violence Is Nothing New; How We Deal with It Might Be

From: Refuse


Lucia Lorenzi’s essay challenges us not only to reckon with the history of CanLit as an institution structured by multiple forms of oppression and exclusion, but also to think about how contemporary institutions are complicit with the perpetuation of rape culture.



Lucia Lorenzi

DR. LUCIA LORENZI is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. Her research focuses on representations of sexual violence in literature and other media, with a focus on the aesthetic and political uses of silence, as well as perpetrator narratives. She is also trained as a Canadianist, with an emphasis on contemporary novels and drama, as well as Black Canadian literatures. Her work has been published in Canadian Literature, TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, and West Coast Line.