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ISBN: 9781926794280


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Autobiographical Fictions

As much poet as paparazzo, Maurice Mierau fixes his sights on the complexities of popular culture. Autobiographical Fictions is both questioning and confident, a book that explores delusion as a form of thinking and the failure of poetic language to register the anxieties of our daily lives. Speaking through figures such as John Berryman, Michael Jackson, Ovid, Sitting Bull, Marilyn Monroe, and Alan Turing, these poems give voice to disaffected generations who remain part of the zeitgeist. Prodigious, visceral, and humane, Autobiographical Fictions offers readers a glimpse through the lens of one of Canada’s finest poets.


Maurice Mierau

Maurice Mierau is the author of Detachment: An Adoption Memoir, winner of the Isbister Award for Non-fiction and shortlisted for the Kobzar 2016 Literary Award. He has published two previous books of poems, Fear Not, winner of a ReLit award in 2009, and Ending with Music, which appeared with Brick in 2002. Maurice was born in Indiana, and grew up in Nigeria, Manitoba, Jamaica, Kansas, and Saskatchewan. He now lives in Winnipeg.

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