At Bay Press Fiction Annual

Dreams and Nightmares

Anthology of fiction stories, short graphic novels, art, and photography with a theme of "Dreams and Nightmares."


Alana Brooker

Alana Brooker is the Senior editor for At Bay Press. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba and her Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall at York

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
A short fiction story by Lucy Haché that uses dreams as a way to approach the theme of colonialism.
8 $0.80
Nature photography by Anders Homenick showing the dreamlike and sometimes scary view of trees.
5 $0.50
A short story by M.C. Joudrey that examines the human condition from the perspective of a fly.
9 $0.90
A graphic novel by Scott A. Ford depicting various dreams.
6 $0.60
A short story by Van Kunder that uses nightmarish metaphors to illustrate grief and loss.
10 $1.00
A small collection of art with a nightmarish quality by Michael Joyal.
5 $0.50
Brief biographies of Alana Booker, Lucy Haché, Anders Homenick, M.C. Joudrey, Scott A. Ford, Van Kunder, and Michael Joyal.
2 $0.20